Which is better suited to your applications: electronic differential pressure or conventional differential pressure?
Besides conventional differential pressure measurement, there is also the option of using two pressure transmitters in one system to perform electronic differential pressure measurement. But which device is suitable for your process depends on a number of factors. These factors are clearly summarised in our Decision-Making Tool. Try it out and get your own result in just a few clicks.
The OPTIBAR DP 7060 offers all the advantages of classic differential pressure measurement combined with state-of-the-art technology. In addition to the differential pressure sensor, the transmitter also has an absolute pressure sensor and a temperature sensor. Each individual OPTIBAR DP 7060 is fully compensated over the entire range of differential pressure, static pressure and ambient temperature by means of 3D linearisation. This makes it extremely accurate and stable over the long term, even under extreme process conditions, and minimises maintenance requirements. The process temperature range plays an important role in selecting the right transmitter. With direct exposure to the measuring cell of the OPTIBAR DP 7060, the temperature range extends up to 105°C. With additional temperature decoupling using a 0.3 m impulse line, the effective membrane temperature can be reduced by approx. 100°C at an ambient temperature of 20°C.
The OPTIBAR DP 7060 offers all the advantages of classic differential pressure measurement combined with state-of-the-art technology. In addition to the differential pressure sensor, the transmitter also has an absolute pressure sensor and a temperature sensor. Each individual OPTIBAR DP 7060 is fully compensated over the entire range of differential pressure, static pressure and ambient temperature by means of 3D linearisation. This makes it extremely accurate and stable over the long term, even under extreme process conditions, and minimises maintenance requirements. The diaphragm seal system extends the operating range of the differential pressure transmitter and makes the measurement safe and reliable even under harsh conditions. Diaphragm seals with oil-filled capillaries enable temperature decoupling when impulse lines cannot be used to reduce the effective diaphragm temperature on the device. This happens, for example, when deposits form from the process medium and clog the impulse lines. In our portfolio, we offer KROHNE diaphragm seal systems with temperature decoupling up to 400°C and beyond. A wide range of wetted materials such as duplex, Hastelloy® or tantalum as well as coatings with PTFE or PFA can be used.
Der OPTIBAR DP 7060 bietet alle Vorzüge der klassischen Differenzdruckmessung gepaart mit modernsten Technologien. Neben dem Differenzdrucksensor verfügt der Transmitter über einen Absolutdruck- und einen Temperatursensor. Jeder einzelne OPTIBAR DP 7060 wird mittels 3-D Linearisierung vollständig über den gesamten Bereich von Differenzdruck, statischem Druck und Umgebungstemperatur kompensiert. Hierdurch ist er überaus genau und langzeitstabil, auch unter extremen Prozessbedingungen und der Wartungsaufwand wird auf ein Minimum reduziert. Der Prozesstemperaturbereich spielt bei der Auswahl des richtigen Transmitters eine wichtige Rolle. Bei direkter Einwirkung auf die Messzelle des OPTIBAR DP 7060 reicht der Temperaturbereich bis zu 105°C. Mit einer zusätzlichen Temperaturentkopplung durch eine 0,3 m Impulsleitung kann die effektive Membrantemperatur bei einer Umgebungstemperatur von 20°C um ca. 100°C reduziert werden.
The OPTIBAR DP 7060 is a differential pressure transmitter with integrated static pressure measurement. KROHNE is the only manufacturer of process instrumentation that performs a complete 3D linearisation of its differential pressure transmitters. For robust and accurate differential pressure measurement, even under changing process conditions, every OPTIBAR DP 7060 differential pressure transmitter is linearised in all three dimensions during manufacture: Differential pressure, ambient temperature and static pressure. The diaphragm seal system extends the operating range of the differential pressure transmitter and makes the measurement safe and reliable even under harsh conditions. Diaphragm seals with oil-filled capillaries enable temperature decoupling if impulse lines cannot be used to reduce the effective diaphragm temperature on the device. This happens, for example, when deposits form from the process medium and clog the impulse lines. In our portfolio, we offer KROHNE diaphragm seal systems with temperature decoupling up to 400°C and beyond. A wide range of wetted materials such as duplex, Hastelloy® or tantalum as well as coatings with PTFE or PFA can be used.
The OPTIBAR DP 7060 offers all the advantages of classic differential pressure measurement paired with state-of-the-art technologies. In addition to the differential pressure sensor, the transmitter also has an absolute pressure sensor and a temperature sensor. Each individual OPTIBAR DP 7060 is fully compensated over the entire range of differential pressure, static pressure and ambient temperature in a complex 3D linearisation process. This makes it extremely accurate and stable over the long term, even under extreme process conditions, and minimises maintenance requirements. The OPTIBAR DP 7060 is also available in versions up to 700 bar nominal pressure. Thanks to the compact design of the measuring cell, the pressurised parts can be made smaller and lighter, contributing to a compact and lightweight transmitter in this version too. The process temperature range plays an important role in selecting the right transmitter. With direct exposure to the measuring cell of the OPTIBAR DP 7060, the temperature range extends up to 105°C. With additional temperature decoupling using a 0.3 m impulse cable, the effective membrane temperature can be reduced by approx. 100°C at an ambient temperature of 20°C.
The OPTIBAR DP 7060 offers all the advantages of classic differential pressure measurement paired with state-of-the-art technologies. In addition to the differential pressure sensor, the transmitter also has an absolute pressure sensor and a temperature sensor. Each individual OPTIBAR DP 7060 is fully compensated over the entire range of differential pressure, static pressure and ambient temperature in a complex 3D linearisation process. This makes it extremely accurate and stable over the long term, even under extreme process conditions, and minimises maintenance requirements. The OPTIBAR DP 7060 is also available in versions up to 700 bar nominal pressure. Thanks to the compact design of the measuring cell, the pressurised parts can be made smaller and lighter, contributing to a compact and lightweight transmitter in this version too. The diaphragm seal system extends the operating range of the differential pressure transmitter and makes the measurement safe and reliable even under harsh conditions. Diaphragm seals with oil-filled capillaries enable temperature decoupling when impulse lines cannot be used to reduce the effective diaphragm temperature on the device. This happens, for example, when deposits form from the process medium and clog the impulse lines. In our portfolio, we offer KROHNE diaphragm seal systems with temperature decoupling up to 400°C and beyond. A wide range of wetted parts can be decoupled.
Ein innovatives Konzept ermöglicht es, zwei Drucktransmitter zu einer elektronischen Differenzdruckmessung zu kombinieren. Ein Primärsensor und ein entsprechender Sekundärsensor sind über ein elektrisches Kabel verbunden. Gegenüber einem klassischen Differenzdrucktransmitter mit Druckmittlersystem und ölgefüllten Kapillaren bietet dieser Aufbau viele Vorteile. Hohe Installationskosten für lange Kapillaren und die Notwendigkeit einer elektrischen Begleitheizung entfallen. Außerdem wirken sich übliche Einflüsse durch Umgebungstemperatur und starke Vibrationen nicht mehr auf die Gesamtgenauigkeit aus. Große Flanschverbindungen können durch kleinere Gewindeverbindungen ersetzt werden. Zudem bietet sich mit der Keramik-Variante des OPTIBAR PC 5060 eine Alternative bei agressiven oder abbrassiven Prozessen. Der Prozesstemperaturbereich ist eine weitere wichtige Spezifikation, die bei der Auswahl eines Drucktransmitters zu berücksichtigen ist. Die Prozesstemperaturbereich des OPTIBAR PC 5060 beträgt bis zu 150 °C. Mit einer zusätzlichen Temperaturentkopplung durch 0,3m Impulsleitung kann die effektive Membrantemperatur bei einer Umgebungstemperatur von 20°C um ca. 100°C reduziert werden.
An innovative concept makes it possible to combine two pressure transmitters into one electronic differential pressure measurement. A primary sensor and a corresponding secondary sensor are connected via an electrical cable. Compared to a classic differential pressure transmitter with a diaphragm seal system and oil-filled capillaries, this design offers many advantages. High installation costs for long capillaries and the need for electrical trace heating are eliminated. The usual problems caused by ambient temperature and strong vibrations also no longer affect the overall accuracy. Large flange connections can be replaced by smaller threaded connections. The process temperature range is another important specification to consider when selecting a pressure transmitter. The process temperature range of the OPTIBAR PM 5060 is up to 150 °C. With an additional temperature decoupling by 0.3m impulse line, the effective diaphragm temperature at an ambient temperature of 20°C can be reduced by approx. 100°C.
An innovative concept makes it possible to combine two pressure transmitters into one electronic differential pressure measurement. A primary sensor and a corresponding secondary sensor are connected via an electrical cable. Compared to a classic differential pressure transmitter with a diaphragm seal system and oil-filled capillaries, this design offers many advantages. High installation costs for long capillaries and the need for electrical trace heating are eliminated. In addition, the usual problems caused by ambient temperature and strong vibrations no longer affect the overall accuracy. Large flange connections can be replaced by smaller threaded connections. The process temperature range is another important specification to consider when selecting a pressure transmitter. The process temperature range of the OPTIBAR PM 5060 is up to 150 °C. With an additional temperature decoupling by 0.3m impulse line, the effective diaphragm temperature can be reduced by approx. 100°C at an ambient temperature of 20°C. If deposits build up in the impulse line and can clog the impulse line, a diaphragm seal extends the operating range of the pressure transmitter and makes the measurement safe and reliable even under harsh conditions. Diaphragm seals with oil-filled capillaries enable temperature decoupling if a pulse line cannot be used to reduce the effective diaphragm temperature on the device.
An innovative concept makes it possible to combine two pressure transmitters into one electronic differential pressure measurement. A primary sensor and a corresponding secondary sensor are connected via an electrical cable. Compared to a classic differential pressure transmitter with a diaphragm seal system and oil-filled capillaries, this design offers many advantages. High installation costs for long capillaries and the need for electrical trace heating are eliminated. In addition, the usual problems caused by ambient temperature and strong vibrations no longer affect the overall accuracy. Large flange connections can be replaced by smaller threaded connections. The process temperature range is another important specification to consider when selecting a pressure transmitter. The process temperature range of the OPTIBAR PM 5060 is up to 150 °C. With an additional temperature decoupling by 0.3m impulse line, the effective diaphragm temperature can be reduced by approx. 100°C at an ambient temperature of 20°C. If deposits build up in the impulse line and can clog the impulse line, a diaphragm seal with capillary extends the operating range of the pressure transmitter and makes the measurement safe and reliable even under harsh conditions. Diaphragm seals with oil-filled capillaries enable temperature decoupling if a pulse line cannot be used to reduce the effective diaphragm temperature.